Thursday, January 21, 2010

Finally, moving on...

Now that I've exhausted my list of miscellaneous (holy crap, I spelt that right on the first try) topics, let's turn our attentions to something on the actual list. Right. Venture Acts.

Hiok Yang and Amos as VTLs make for a pretty imba PT combo, I must say. Heck, Hiok and anyone would make a good combo, when it comes to that. Well, as I always say, it could be worse; we could have gotten Hiok and Francis or something equally sadistic.

Moving on. Monday's activity was Kite-flying, meaning that our PT was to run to Bishan Park 2 (via Marymount Road, about 2.4km in other words...), and then run back afterwards. Awesome, if I might say so myself, and I think I actually did better than during actual PE lessons. Lol. Kite flying was uneventful. We fixed 'em up about 20 minutes too late for the wind, which means lots of synchronized running up and down the field, looking like a group of human flight enthusiasts. It was fun, though, even though we had to run all the way back again afterwards. Heck, at least it saves the S$0.88, right?

Wednesday's activity was First Aid Lecture, which was actually a lot more useful than all the other lectures I've attended (including a 3-day one by St. John's... -.-), which means that I actually learnt something. Might have a shot at passing the Gold retest now. XD

Right. Then there was the Chief Commissioner's Award dispute. About the number of slots for Ventures (which, I concede, defeats the purpose of getting the CCA badge in the first place...). While personally, I've got no problem with letting the Sec 3s have a crack at it, My personal view is that they don't have the standards needed to pass.

Some might be yelling 'hypocrite' now, but let me assure you, my main motive for CCA isn't the glory or the badge.


On that heartening note, I shall leave you to ponder more about... um... yeah.

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