Friday, January 29, 2010

What a Miss.

...I suppose, after my absence, that renaming my last post "Ah'll Bee Baaackk" would be a little late, wouldn't it?

Anyway, Yeah, I'm back. As you might have noticed.

Finally realized how much cock I talk with Ming E when we are together. Here's a sample:

M: Hey, you know what? Today's Friday.
E (Astounded): Wha- You don't mean to say-
M (interrupts): And you know what that means? Tomorrow's gonna-
E (regains senses): NO! It's not possible! It was Friday only seven days ago!
M (counts on fingers, looks up): Gawd, you're right. What sorcery have you worked?!


No, the Energy Efficiency test was not worth talking about. Who actually cares what's the unit for mechanical efficiency?!

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