Friday, March 5, 2010


So, as of 9.50pm last night, I have finished my first playthrough of Mass Effect 2. In case you didn't know the details: Male Renegade Vanguard, on Veteran (suck on THAT, Yen Ter XD). It's an extremely good game, just so you know.

So: the final (supposedly suicidal) mission. Made it out there with almost everyone alive, except for Jack and Tali. Jack got eviscerated (terribly awesome word) by a Collector beam that punched through the Normandy's Hull, while Tali, poor Tali, got headshotted by Harbinger's knockback projectile attack as she was closing a door. Alas, you two. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Well, I know that there is an achievement for getting everyone out alive from the final mission, but - well - they claimed it was a suicidal mission, so it would only make sense if at least some of them died, right?

Sorry. It just appeals to my inner storyteller.

Well, starting a new playthrough, as a female Paragon Adept. Hardcore. Heh Heh Heh.

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