Tuesday, April 13, 2010



No, dude, seriously. Ow.


Okay, for the sake of clarity, I'll explain. You know the boarding doors, right? You know how they are really frikkin' heavy? And you know how easy it is to put your finger in the gap between the hinge and the frame?

Yeah. As I said: ow. I am currently typing this post with my left hand and my right thumb and fourth finger, as my middle finger has been incapacitated. Great word. Amd i think the internal bleeding is beginning to clot. Darn.

Timing really couldn't have been better, since never before has an occasion come up where I needed so much use of my hands. Head of Decor, dammit.

Okay, I'll admit that part of the sarcasm failure in the previous paragraph was due to me not being articulate my thoughts coherently over the keyboard, since... you know...

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