Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Problem with Ellipses.

So, bonus for the previous RLP people who might happen to read this blog:

MBTI was today. Ended about 40 minutes ago, in fact, with most of the intermediate time spent running around the block trying to find an open door after we realized that we spent too long talking to Mr Paul Lim after the session itself. It's complicated, okay?

So, the moment you've all been waiting for... The chance to see whether your one and only beloved Mr. Kink is the personality type you think him to be... The opportunity to bang your table and shout "Ha! I KNEW it!" or facepalm and mutter something about apples...

The person currently sitting at his boarding room table, typing on a Mac, using boarding internet, listening to ...interesting... music, and looking at this sentence to see what else he can add to it (in other words, me), is...

an INTP.

Yes. I can hear the "WHAT?!"s from over here, even with FF13 music blasting in the background. Let me reasure you: this is only my Reported score. My Self-Estimated score is an ENFJ. Now, before you start nodding knowingly to yourself, let me say this: if Paul Lim would let me, I would put most (or all) of those scores in the Neutral category, for reasons I care not to explain.

Yes, Mister Kink is a very conflicted person, even if he doesn't look it most of the time.

Okay then. Gotta wrap up before the internet clogs up again and starts... Oh god.

'Could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...'

Well, crap. But maybe the very fact that you're reading this proves that I managed to get through, eh? How's that for a self-fulfilling prophecy?

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