Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I resolve...

...not to leave blogs alone for 5 days ever again. Gives one a helluva lot to do when you finally get back.

And here I thought making a list of things to write about would be a good thing. Ah well. Catching up is good exercise, as they tell me. Or was that for running?

Never mind. On to the topics at hand!

(By the way, I'll be splitting up them posts, so as to aid labels and navigation.)

Firstly, kayaking. Specifically, 1 Star Kayaking on Saturday. Gee, is there ever a lot to say.

Lionel was late. As usual. Though Roy was later (!), which kinda sets a bad precedent for Owl PLs.

The instructor was a dude named Kim. Korean, by my guess. He wore this cool red two-sided backpack, and wore his sunglasses funny. I shan't elaborate.

Luchen, being the asshat that he is, dropped my glasses into the Kallang Basin while I was doing my suicide capsize drill. No, no permanent harm was done to him, don't worry, but there's gonna be hell (or at least money) to pay. I had spare specs at home, anyway, so that was all right.

It is deeply ironic that I am forced to keep my old spectacles just 2 days before I take charge of a project dedicated to collecting them.

Then comes the epic part, I guess. So it ended at 5.15, and everyone changed/showered, emptied sand outta their shoes, and started walking to Kallang Leisure Park. Pretty standard stuff. And then I realized that I couldn't stay with the ventures and Sec 3s for dinner, so I decided to walk home.

Yep. Walk home. That's [counts] 7 MRT stations, dammit! What on earth was I thinking, walking back with wet shoes?

Well, the answer's 'not very much,apparently'. Hmph.

Which was beside the point. I only managed to walk as far as Macpherson (that's about 4 stops) before I realized that I needed to be home, like, negative 10 minutes from now, so I took the freaking 28 the rest of the way. Bah. Foiled.

Heh. At least I managed to walk about 5.5 km/h. Not bad for a dude with no company, and who has water leaking out of his shoes at every step, eh?

Yeah, that's about it for kayaking. More posts coming up, in I don't know how long!

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