Saturday, January 23, 2010


So, apparently Mr. Yuen told me that the RInspire article needed to be modified a bit. According to him, I need to a) shorten it a bit and b) formalize it a bit, because it "reads like a blog.".

Oh, man. The irony.

Anyway, he gave me until monday to do it. Enough time to finish, i guess, even if the rest of today is gonna be split between kayaking and chinese tuition. Sucks.

Could be worse, though. Never forget that.

On a side note, I've finally given in, and started playing Dwarf Fortress. Getting over how much of a bitch the manual is to read, it's actually very in-depth and interesting. Kind of like all those other city-building games, but detailed to the near-microscopic level )which kind of makes sense, considering the ASCII art. Strangely addictive.

Kayaking's in 2.5 hours' time. Gotta dash.

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