Friday, January 29, 2010

What a Miss.

...I suppose, after my absence, that renaming my last post "Ah'll Bee Baaackk" would be a little late, wouldn't it?

Anyway, Yeah, I'm back. As you might have noticed.

Finally realized how much cock I talk with Ming E when we are together. Here's a sample:

M: Hey, you know what? Today's Friday.
E (Astounded): Wha- You don't mean to say-
M (interrupts): And you know what that means? Tomorrow's gonna-
E (regains senses): NO! It's not possible! It was Friday only seven days ago!
M (counts on fingers, looks up): Gawd, you're right. What sorcery have you worked?!


No, the Energy Efficiency test was not worth talking about. Who actually cares what's the unit for mechanical efficiency?!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

On Redundancy.

Nothing of note happened between my last post and now.

Just thought I'd update y'all.


So, apparently Mr. Yuen told me that the RInspire article needed to be modified a bit. According to him, I need to a) shorten it a bit and b) formalize it a bit, because it "reads like a blog.".

Oh, man. The irony.

Anyway, he gave me until monday to do it. Enough time to finish, i guess, even if the rest of today is gonna be split between kayaking and chinese tuition. Sucks.

Could be worse, though. Never forget that.

On a side note, I've finally given in, and started playing Dwarf Fortress. Getting over how much of a bitch the manual is to read, it's actually very in-depth and interesting. Kind of like all those other city-building games, but detailed to the near-microscopic level )which kind of makes sense, considering the ASCII art. Strangely addictive.

Kayaking's in 2.5 hours' time. Gotta dash.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Finally, moving on...

Now that I've exhausted my list of miscellaneous (holy crap, I spelt that right on the first try) topics, let's turn our attentions to something on the actual list. Right. Venture Acts.

Hiok Yang and Amos as VTLs make for a pretty imba PT combo, I must say. Heck, Hiok and anyone would make a good combo, when it comes to that. Well, as I always say, it could be worse; we could have gotten Hiok and Francis or something equally sadistic.

Moving on. Monday's activity was Kite-flying, meaning that our PT was to run to Bishan Park 2 (via Marymount Road, about 2.4km in other words...), and then run back afterwards. Awesome, if I might say so myself, and I think I actually did better than during actual PE lessons. Lol. Kite flying was uneventful. We fixed 'em up about 20 minutes too late for the wind, which means lots of synchronized running up and down the field, looking like a group of human flight enthusiasts. It was fun, though, even though we had to run all the way back again afterwards. Heck, at least it saves the S$0.88, right?

Wednesday's activity was First Aid Lecture, which was actually a lot more useful than all the other lectures I've attended (including a 3-day one by St. John's... -.-), which means that I actually learnt something. Might have a shot at passing the Gold retest now. XD

Right. Then there was the Chief Commissioner's Award dispute. About the number of slots for Ventures (which, I concede, defeats the purpose of getting the CCA badge in the first place...). While personally, I've got no problem with letting the Sec 3s have a crack at it, My personal view is that they don't have the standards needed to pass.

Some might be yelling 'hypocrite' now, but let me assure you, my main motive for CCA isn't the glory or the badge.


On that heartening note, I shall leave you to ponder more about... um... yeah.

Is it? Am I? Aw, screw that.

So, I'm paranoid.


Okay, now that people have had time to get over that, let me explain myself. No, I'm not joking, and no, I'm not just being paranoid that I'm paranoid (EDIT: Aw, dang, no recursion, please...).

Firstly, paranoid is a very nice word, it must be admitted. There's just something special about the word that I can't identify. Maybe it's the elegant para- prefix, which means, generally, 'not the same as'. Or it could be the second half, -noid, which, contrary to what says, does not mean a f***wit. Because that entomology, seriously, makes no freaking sense at all. It's derived from greek, and means 'head'. Now THAT's appropriate.

Okay, next. So, what would lead me to believe that I'm paranoid? Well, firstly, that earlier example of recursion is a good point. Just thinking that you worry too much is perfectly fine in itself. However, when you take this up a notch and start worrying about worrying too much, yeah. You're probably over the edge.

To demonstrate this, let me give you an example. Say something has happened, and you immediately jump to the worst conclusion. What does one do after this?

The non-paranoid person says to himself "Hey, chum, you're worrying too much. Let it go."


The paranoid person says to himself "Hey, chum, you're worrying too much. Wait, hold on: Am I really worrying too much, or is my worry justified? On the other hand, I could be overreacting to a simple statement, but it's possible that... Aw, dangit."

Yeah. That's what's going on in my head. (No wonder I appear weird to other people, I don't even understand what going on in my own head.) Well, it's possible that I could just be insecure, given my bevy (ooh, another nice word) of identity crises, but make of that what you will.

And lastly, my trump card, for people who still aren't convinced: If I wasn't paranoid, I wouldn't have spent one whole longish blog post talking about it, wouldn't I?

QED, suckas.

Spirit of Futility. Well, not quite.

I didn't actually think I'd be able to make the Dramafeste synopsis submission deadline, to be honest. Well, to be perfectly precise, I didn't, but that wasn't because of any fault on my part; Yahoo Mail screwed up and I had to use Hotmail. Setting a very bad precedent in the process.

Well, then I found out that it didn't matter, since I was the only one who submitted, other than Sean himself and Eugene Phua (wtf?). Kind of a pointless thing, if you ask me, but at least my conscience is clear. For once in my life, I will not be able to look at a piece of work that I could have contributed to but didn't, and go "I could have done better than that, why didn't I." Which is a good thing, I'd say.

On another note, I FINALLY got our Literature book, The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde, playwright, wit, and patron saint of Uncyclopedia. Haven't read it yet, though, except for the first 3 pages. Once again, defeating the purpose.

But at least I've got it done, eh?

On the other hand, Mr. Yuen wants to see me for the RInspire article that I did for, well, RInspire. Presumably tomorrow, I guess, since the reply email was sent at 8.30am this morning. Lol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We Apologise for the Inconvenience.

So I was intending to lecture y'all poor listeners about leadership about now, but still need to do my freaking proposal for the thingy. Play. Drama Feste.


I resolve...

...not to leave blogs alone for 5 days ever again. Gives one a helluva lot to do when you finally get back.

And here I thought making a list of things to write about would be a good thing. Ah well. Catching up is good exercise, as they tell me. Or was that for running?

Never mind. On to the topics at hand!

(By the way, I'll be splitting up them posts, so as to aid labels and navigation.)

Firstly, kayaking. Specifically, 1 Star Kayaking on Saturday. Gee, is there ever a lot to say.

Lionel was late. As usual. Though Roy was later (!), which kinda sets a bad precedent for Owl PLs.

The instructor was a dude named Kim. Korean, by my guess. He wore this cool red two-sided backpack, and wore his sunglasses funny. I shan't elaborate.

Luchen, being the asshat that he is, dropped my glasses into the Kallang Basin while I was doing my suicide capsize drill. No, no permanent harm was done to him, don't worry, but there's gonna be hell (or at least money) to pay. I had spare specs at home, anyway, so that was all right.

It is deeply ironic that I am forced to keep my old spectacles just 2 days before I take charge of a project dedicated to collecting them.

Then comes the epic part, I guess. So it ended at 5.15, and everyone changed/showered, emptied sand outta their shoes, and started walking to Kallang Leisure Park. Pretty standard stuff. And then I realized that I couldn't stay with the ventures and Sec 3s for dinner, so I decided to walk home.

Yep. Walk home. That's [counts] 7 MRT stations, dammit! What on earth was I thinking, walking back with wet shoes?

Well, the answer's 'not very much,apparently'. Hmph.

Which was beside the point. I only managed to walk as far as Macpherson (that's about 4 stops) before I realized that I needed to be home, like, negative 10 minutes from now, so I took the freaking 28 the rest of the way. Bah. Foiled.

Heh. At least I managed to walk about 5.5 km/h. Not bad for a dude with no company, and who has water leaking out of his shoes at every step, eh?

Yeah, that's about it for kayaking. More posts coming up, in I don't know how long!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Okay, got Steampad (whatever that means), now to see whether it works...

Link here.

EDIT: Okay, screw all this, I'll just ask Yen Ter tomorrow.

Alright, chums, let's do this...

Okay, been a while overdue, but...

Operation Pimp Mah Blog is a go!

(I've always wanted to say that.)

First REAL Post, Suckers!

Although those last two unfortunate posts led to some unfortunate temporal anomalies, that's not going to stop me from continuing from this blog! Hah! I spit in the face of your wrath, clock!

...ahem. Right. I actually had a short rant on organized religion planned for this space, but I still have 194 words left on my RInspire article, lots of words left on my Moor House Dramafeste script, and an indeterminate number of words left for my work-in-progress fantasy Hero's Journey.

No, don't worry, I finally got MS Word, thanks to Gao Ming. Thanks, Gao Ming. Which reminds me to make a more comprehensive to-do list than the one currently 50 cm to my left (my post-it wall).

Well, that's all for now. Lots of interesting ideas for this blog, so watch this space!

Signing off,

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Post!

Hey look, Edmund's made a new blog! Will it last longer than the last?

Well, enough of that. In keeping with the finest traditions of forum first posters all across the internet, let me be the first one to say (or write, rather): "First Post!"

EDIT: Oh, man. Goddamn thread ninjas.

Oh, wait. The dude that ninjaed me. It's me, isn't it?

Oh, shit.

New Blog!

...and first post!

EDIT: Hah! Ninjaed the dude on top!

Wait, hold on a second...