Friday, March 19, 2010

Ye Gods! An Armory!

...above title shamelessly stolen from my MSN personal message. Well, perhaps 'stolen' isn't the right word...

But seriously. I highly doubt my ability to get through RLP3's check in with all the weaponry I plan to bring in. A foam Sir Aldric axe, a foam skeleton shield, a freaking Nerf Rifle, the contents of my worksheet file...

What *is* the penalty for weapons smuggling in Singapore, does anyone know?

Eh. On to other matters. Probably won't be talking about Jobweek: too painful and too short. On the other hand, I have had an excellent idea int he last 24 hours:

1. Collect all the awesome words that I've used in this blog.
2. Wait till end of year.
3. Make them into a short story.
4. ???
5. Profit!

So... does that mean I can skip the Commonwealth Essay which I haven't even touched, let alone read?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Night To Remember.

From this day, I resolve to pay more attention to the background music whenever I watch a movie. Browsing through my iTunes library, I'm slowly realizing what I missed the first time round. Gems like 'Up is Down' from At World's End and 'Forest Battle' from Revenge of the Fallen, as well as 'Hedwig's Theme' from.. well, you know...

(Sorry for lack of youtube links; I can't really be bothered at this time...)

Anyway, back to what I originally wanted to post a few days ago. Re: RJ Dramafeste and Jobweek.

Dramafeste was pretty cool. Bayleywaddle's (The Road Last Travelled) was nice and kinda funny, which was about a screwed up family on some fail road trip. Introduced to the world the meme of CAMELNUTS! Hadleyhullett's (no name, making it kinda unique) was awesome as heck. About a family with a dead daughter (who's some kind of ghost) and their screwups. Really really cool, and it produced Best Script and Direction, I think. Not to mention Judges' Award, for the crazy genderbent maid (a MALE called Siti? Crazy awesome!) who was easily the funniest person of the night.

Bucklebuckley's (Desperate Housewife, oh such creativity) was okay, and was about (surprise) another screwed up family and its matriarch. Hella lot of flashbacks, and produced the other Judges' Award for the father for really awesome moodswitching between enthu and foam. Unfortunately, they ran out of time, so it was kind of truncated. Sad. I would have liked to see where all the angst was going.

Morrisonrichardson's (Love is the Law) was, quite honestly, pathetic. Was some musical about homosexuality, and it might have had a chance to be salvaged if all the characters' voices hadn't been, y'know, flat. They were singing, you know, which makes it much, much worse.

On the other hand, the last one, Moortarbet (How to Get Out of Detention) was ridiculously over-the-top and epic. And it was glorious. About a detention class where the way to leave it to write a good poem and present it to the teacher. There's a enthu mugger, a suckup, a stoner, a model student, and a poser pimp daddy. Needless to say, hilarity ensues. Won best play and Best Actress in the teacher. As I said: glorious.

So MT's first, and HH's second. Other than that, not really sure.

Heh. This post is ong enough, I reckon. Might post about Jobweek later.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Oh, To Heck.

Too tired to post now. Had RJ Dramafeste, then Jobweek. See y'all around when I can muster the energy to type more than three sentences.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey, Let's Pause For A While, Yeah?

I am feeling horribly, horribly conflicted right now.

So my father came back from Taiwan today, and he got me a army-camo-coloured beret from there. Yes, the French type.

You see the obvious problem.

Army=/=France. Yeah.

Anyway, in other news, "You can't make it for what we are going to do, so you don't deserve to walk with us." Discuss.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Alea Jecta Es... Oh, Never Mind.

So we got the news from Hiok today: the Ventures "have a high probability of all passing First Class. Except one. Or two."

Awesome, but those last four words worry me a lot. Ah well. At least it's a start, right? Because apparently the Sec 3s did a lot worse than us, so by right...

Hmph. Lionel got rejected from RLP, for the third time. Tragic as heck, seeing as there are only three sessions. i don't know whether it's Paul Lim having something on him personally, but he doesn't deserve this, I think. And I'm not saying this just because he's Malaysian.

On the other hand, I DID get into RLP 3, which is good and bad news. Bad news being that I'm with many people with questionable states of mind, such as Jian Hao, Yi Hua, Yang, Sherman, Tony, two assorted Kevins... and Edmund. No offence to all named.

Good news, on the other hand, being that this will really allow me to increase my productivity. My work efficiency at home is as low as heck, seeing that I spend all my time in the internet, blogging and reading webcomics, rather that studying. Cough.

I do hope they will allow my axe and shield, though. I think it'd look great hung up on my wall, like some heraldry. Would be the darnedest thing I ever saw, I'll say that. I just need something else to complete the set. Maybe that skeleton sword that Jian Hao was showing me the other day, hmm?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Pizza making's in 7 hours. Ho hum. Nothing to do until then except church, blog, send long-overdue emails about various topics, eat pineapple tarts...

(In case you didn't know, pineapple tarts are my favorite type of pastry. I can probably eat more than any two people combined. Well, maybe not Lesmana.)

There was something on a more serious note that I wanted to blog about a day or so ago, but never got the chance to. Started with 'F' or 'G'. Hmph. Will let you all know when the idea respawns.

Speaking of respawns...

Guan Hao asked me (for the 4th time, I think) to join League of Legends. He's apparently the top ranked Singapore player. I'm still considering, but with the multitude of good games coming out this year (or at least this quarter - do I need to list them?), I may not have the time.

Still something to keep in mind, though.

Aah. Just remembered something else I wanted to say. Updating my long-un-updated sidebar. And putting in a list of cool words that I've listed on this blog. 'Multitude' being one of them as well.

Kink, signing out.

Friday, March 5, 2010


So, as of 9.50pm last night, I have finished my first playthrough of Mass Effect 2. In case you didn't know the details: Male Renegade Vanguard, on Veteran (suck on THAT, Yen Ter XD). It's an extremely good game, just so you know.

So: the final (supposedly suicidal) mission. Made it out there with almost everyone alive, except for Jack and Tali. Jack got eviscerated (terribly awesome word) by a Collector beam that punched through the Normandy's Hull, while Tali, poor Tali, got headshotted by Harbinger's knockback projectile attack as she was closing a door. Alas, you two. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Well, I know that there is an achievement for getting everyone out alive from the final mission, but - well - they claimed it was a suicidal mission, so it would only make sense if at least some of them died, right?

Sorry. It just appeals to my inner storyteller.

Well, starting a new playthrough, as a female Paragon Adept. Hardcore. Heh Heh Heh.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Go On. Starts With 'R', Ends With 'ambling'.

It's been to long since my last post. Don't know why, but it could have something to do with this damn bandage on my right elbow. Screwing up me typing. Heh.

Lots of stuff to talk about, now...

First Class. A bit (ok, who am I kidding, very) screwed up. Speed was good, and a lot more talking cock, though. That was a surprise, and a pleasant one, at that. It's cool when you actually have the ability to conduct a proper conversation with someone without one party dying for lack of breath. For once. Let's see, what did I talk about... to Yang about sci-fi crossovers (namely, Imperium of Man versus Galactic Empire -- WHO WOULD WIN?), to Yen Ter about sci-fi games (Mass Effect 2. Fun as hell, and a really great universe -- I want to steal some ideas for my own fantasy world), and to Boon King about... his hand injury. Huh. Two out of three ain't bad, to use that term.

Which brings me to my latest bit of irony, and proof that Murphy really exists in this world: my aforementioned elbow injury. Hideously (another awesome word) ironic that I am forced to be absent from school the day after I claim on my MSN that I might not be able to, but for all the wrong reasons. I had a cold, and it got better by the morning, but then I had to go and slip on the toilet mat and crack my elbow on the stone. Nasty. Not to mention painful.

Did I mention ironic?

Oh, and on to music, which I've been meaning to talk about for the longest time.

FFXIII OST is pretty cool. An 85-track album, at least some of it's gotta be. But the thing I like most is that Masashi Hamauzu actually sets the main battle theme as a violin solo. Epic.

Gears of War 2. Composed of Steve Jablonsky (of Transformers OST fame - Listen to it. NOW.) Pretty decent stuff (the character themes are especially sweet), and "Heroic Assault" is beyond awesome. They actually have a shortened version of the song with a much more badass name - called "Armored Prayer". Check 'em out.

Huh. That's it for now. Will keep you all updated on Mass Effect 2 status.

Kink out.