Sunday, March 7, 2010


Pizza making's in 7 hours. Ho hum. Nothing to do until then except church, blog, send long-overdue emails about various topics, eat pineapple tarts...

(In case you didn't know, pineapple tarts are my favorite type of pastry. I can probably eat more than any two people combined. Well, maybe not Lesmana.)

There was something on a more serious note that I wanted to blog about a day or so ago, but never got the chance to. Started with 'F' or 'G'. Hmph. Will let you all know when the idea respawns.

Speaking of respawns...

Guan Hao asked me (for the 4th time, I think) to join League of Legends. He's apparently the top ranked Singapore player. I'm still considering, but with the multitude of good games coming out this year (or at least this quarter - do I need to list them?), I may not have the time.

Still something to keep in mind, though.

Aah. Just remembered something else I wanted to say. Updating my long-un-updated sidebar. And putting in a list of cool words that I've listed on this blog. 'Multitude' being one of them as well.

Kink, signing out.

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