Monday, March 8, 2010

Alea Jecta Es... Oh, Never Mind.

So we got the news from Hiok today: the Ventures "have a high probability of all passing First Class. Except one. Or two."

Awesome, but those last four words worry me a lot. Ah well. At least it's a start, right? Because apparently the Sec 3s did a lot worse than us, so by right...

Hmph. Lionel got rejected from RLP, for the third time. Tragic as heck, seeing as there are only three sessions. i don't know whether it's Paul Lim having something on him personally, but he doesn't deserve this, I think. And I'm not saying this just because he's Malaysian.

On the other hand, I DID get into RLP 3, which is good and bad news. Bad news being that I'm with many people with questionable states of mind, such as Jian Hao, Yi Hua, Yang, Sherman, Tony, two assorted Kevins... and Edmund. No offence to all named.

Good news, on the other hand, being that this will really allow me to increase my productivity. My work efficiency at home is as low as heck, seeing that I spend all my time in the internet, blogging and reading webcomics, rather that studying. Cough.

I do hope they will allow my axe and shield, though. I think it'd look great hung up on my wall, like some heraldry. Would be the darnedest thing I ever saw, I'll say that. I just need something else to complete the set. Maybe that skeleton sword that Jian Hao was showing me the other day, hmm?

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