Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Night To Remember.

From this day, I resolve to pay more attention to the background music whenever I watch a movie. Browsing through my iTunes library, I'm slowly realizing what I missed the first time round. Gems like 'Up is Down' from At World's End and 'Forest Battle' from Revenge of the Fallen, as well as 'Hedwig's Theme' from.. well, you know...

(Sorry for lack of youtube links; I can't really be bothered at this time...)

Anyway, back to what I originally wanted to post a few days ago. Re: RJ Dramafeste and Jobweek.

Dramafeste was pretty cool. Bayleywaddle's (The Road Last Travelled) was nice and kinda funny, which was about a screwed up family on some fail road trip. Introduced to the world the meme of CAMELNUTS! Hadleyhullett's (no name, making it kinda unique) was awesome as heck. About a family with a dead daughter (who's some kind of ghost) and their screwups. Really really cool, and it produced Best Script and Direction, I think. Not to mention Judges' Award, for the crazy genderbent maid (a MALE called Siti? Crazy awesome!) who was easily the funniest person of the night.

Bucklebuckley's (Desperate Housewife, oh such creativity) was okay, and was about (surprise) another screwed up family and its matriarch. Hella lot of flashbacks, and produced the other Judges' Award for the father for really awesome moodswitching between enthu and foam. Unfortunately, they ran out of time, so it was kind of truncated. Sad. I would have liked to see where all the angst was going.

Morrisonrichardson's (Love is the Law) was, quite honestly, pathetic. Was some musical about homosexuality, and it might have had a chance to be salvaged if all the characters' voices hadn't been, y'know, flat. They were singing, you know, which makes it much, much worse.

On the other hand, the last one, Moortarbet (How to Get Out of Detention) was ridiculously over-the-top and epic. And it was glorious. About a detention class where the way to leave it to write a good poem and present it to the teacher. There's a enthu mugger, a suckup, a stoner, a model student, and a poser pimp daddy. Needless to say, hilarity ensues. Won best play and Best Actress in the teacher. As I said: glorious.

So MT's first, and HH's second. Other than that, not really sure.

Heh. This post is ong enough, I reckon. Might post about Jobweek later.

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