Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Go On. Starts With 'R', Ends With 'ambling'.

It's been to long since my last post. Don't know why, but it could have something to do with this damn bandage on my right elbow. Screwing up me typing. Heh.

Lots of stuff to talk about, now...

First Class. A bit (ok, who am I kidding, very) screwed up. Speed was good, and a lot more talking cock, though. That was a surprise, and a pleasant one, at that. It's cool when you actually have the ability to conduct a proper conversation with someone without one party dying for lack of breath. For once. Let's see, what did I talk about... to Yang about sci-fi crossovers (namely, Imperium of Man versus Galactic Empire -- WHO WOULD WIN?), to Yen Ter about sci-fi games (Mass Effect 2. Fun as hell, and a really great universe -- I want to steal some ideas for my own fantasy world), and to Boon King about... his hand injury. Huh. Two out of three ain't bad, to use that term.

Which brings me to my latest bit of irony, and proof that Murphy really exists in this world: my aforementioned elbow injury. Hideously (another awesome word) ironic that I am forced to be absent from school the day after I claim on my MSN that I might not be able to, but for all the wrong reasons. I had a cold, and it got better by the morning, but then I had to go and slip on the toilet mat and crack my elbow on the stone. Nasty. Not to mention painful.

Did I mention ironic?

Oh, and on to music, which I've been meaning to talk about for the longest time.

FFXIII OST is pretty cool. An 85-track album, at least some of it's gotta be. But the thing I like most is that Masashi Hamauzu actually sets the main battle theme as a violin solo. Epic.

Gears of War 2. Composed of Steve Jablonsky (of Transformers OST fame - Listen to it. NOW.) Pretty decent stuff (the character themes are especially sweet), and "Heroic Assault" is beyond awesome. They actually have a shortened version of the song with a much more badass name - called "Armored Prayer". Check 'em out.

Huh. That's it for now. Will keep you all updated on Mass Effect 2 status.

Kink out.

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