Friday, March 19, 2010

Ye Gods! An Armory!

...above title shamelessly stolen from my MSN personal message. Well, perhaps 'stolen' isn't the right word...

But seriously. I highly doubt my ability to get through RLP3's check in with all the weaponry I plan to bring in. A foam Sir Aldric axe, a foam skeleton shield, a freaking Nerf Rifle, the contents of my worksheet file...

What *is* the penalty for weapons smuggling in Singapore, does anyone know?

Eh. On to other matters. Probably won't be talking about Jobweek: too painful and too short. On the other hand, I have had an excellent idea int he last 24 hours:

1. Collect all the awesome words that I've used in this blog.
2. Wait till end of year.
3. Make them into a short story.
4. ???
5. Profit!

So... does that mean I can skip the Commonwealth Essay which I haven't even touched, let alone read?


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