Thursday, June 3, 2010

Return of the Kink.

Firstly: I make no apologies for the terrible movie pun up there. Any complaints that you want to make can be addressed to my now-defunct tagboard, which I may not or may not answer. Yes, you got that right.

Anyway; yes, Edmund is back from boarding, albeit belatedly. Past few days have not been very internet-connection-filled, either, what with Venture Camp and all (which I'll get to in a while).

My holiday schedule is up the wazoo, with the aforementioned Venture Camp from the 31st-2nd, CampoRama (is that you you spell it?) from the 4th-6th, Chalet from the 8th-10th, and my famliy vacation from the 12th-15th. And after that is the World Cup, and the due date for my English Portfolio. OH SHI-

Anyway, gotta dash to school to check on Hawk Patrol 9and my icebox), so I'll be back to talk about Boarding and VC later.

Catch y'all.

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