Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sand And Feet.

Okay, I'm back from Malaysia, which is a good and a bad thing. Good because, y'know, [i]internet[/i], but bad because I didn't subscribe to the World Cup. Darn.

Not that I'm missing much anyway. This has got to be the mos boring World Cup on record. I mean, c'mon, look at all the goals scored over the first matches of the past few nights. Name me one match with more than two goals.

Of course, the ongoing Portugal vs. Ivory Coast may change that, but it's, well, ongoing, so I can't really say anything about it. Still, hoping it breaks the trend.

Finished reading the Dune Trilogy (finally!) over these few days. Damn, it's symbolic as hell. The chapter quotes don't really help either, with all their religious symbolism. Still, it's not a bad thing. Giving me lots of idea, most of which are best left unsaid.

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