Friday, February 5, 2010

Of Matters Grammatical.

Hmmm. Lots of stuff to write over the next few days (or at least the weekend, I guess). Getting started on CRP (more on that later), the three 'articles' for Writer's Program (also later), and the CIP proposal for 01 (guess where I'm gonna elaborate, go on...).

CRP. If I haven't told you yet in an euphoric fit, I have convinced Ms Else Chew to let me do a comparative essay between Catch-22 and The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse. Read the links and you'll see why I'm so excited.

Yeah, a CRP essay with a freaking webcomic. It doesn't get any better than this.

Writer's Program. The thing I regretted missing the most during last year's Thinkquest, conveniently in the same timeslot. Touche. Well, I'm back, and they have asked me to make a portfolio of three creative works by next Thursday, and get it signed by my English teacher.

Altogether, now: Dun Dun DUUUNHH!!!

Well, it's not that bad, admittedly. Lots of ideas in my head right now, including a bedtime horror story and a jailbreak syndicate. Yes, I know, my imagination's screwed up.

CIP Proposal. I've already touched on this. What I need to do: change dates, chase people for stuff, and get a roster up. Simple enough, but with things like these there's always a catch. Now I just need to figure out what it is...

By the way, first Wheel of Time post going up tomorrow. Be prepared.

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