Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Update.

So I got gibbed today by Mr. Yuen.

Well, not literally, of course, but when he was sitting there shouting at me I felt like there was a hole in my chest that was spewing out improbable amounts of blood, as well as some fragments of internal organs. Morbid.

'twas an interesting sight to imagine, though; I've never tried to picture a hole in my chest before. And I guess my imagination is much more vivid than Yiming's; he called it 'getting my throat slit'. Goes to show, huh?

Yeah, So We're going to reboot the whole specs collection thing. Hope we can get it right this time.

Anyway, on to more trivial matters. My dog ran through my house the other night and made off with 10 pineapple tarts, the little bastard. Freaking kill-stealer, and the worst part is that I can't steal HIS food in return. Why, the cunning little...

And then there are the two ongoing things I want to work on with this blog. One: a Wheel of Time walkthrough (gasp!). Yeah, I'm going to be commenting on The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, as I read through it for the second time. Expect Snark. With a capital S.

Second is a Dragon Age: Origins playthrough. Can't say much about this, since I haven't finished my second one yet, but Once I finish this one, rest assured i will be trying it again, on Nightmare difficulty. Heh heh heh.

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