Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today was fun.

Wow. You know I've sunk to such a level when I have to start a blog post with such a stupid and mundane sentence as that. Whatever. At least while writing THIS sentence, I've thought of some things to write about. What irony.

First. I saw Ryan and Richmond today after act, and me and Yang spent ~20 minutes (!) swapping war (read: CCA) stories with them. Very interesting.

Oh, and I was telling Jason and Lu Chen horror stories about Dwarf Fortress on the way to the J8 bus stop. Well, they were laughing, so I guess 'horror' isn't the best word...

(By the way, Lu, I TOLD you to remind me to give you your cert. Fail.)

BTW, Dragon Age playthrough 2's at the final battle, so I'll be starting the 3rd run soon, complete with blog annotations. And screenshots. How exciting!

That goes double for other potential players, however. Yen Ter, Yi Hua, I'm looking at you.

On a side note, PirateBay is down. Damn.

Gah. Must remember to print rations list for me and Boon King to buy tomorrow. And to call Yen Ter to ask what movies he wants. Lots of stuff to do before First Class.

Lucky there's STD tomorrow, huh?

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