Thursday, February 18, 2010


Overnight's coming up, and I'm kind of psyched. Kind of. Sort of. You get the picture.

On the one hand, it means backwoods, which means interacting with the local wildlife, lalaing around with people you know, finally getting the chance to do that tribal dance I've always dreamed of...

On the other hand, it means backwoods, which means swarms of vicious insects out for your blood, sleeping with the threat of waking up with a spider on your face, having to stumble around in the dark...

Um. Yeah.

You know, come to think of it, those two sentences do sound like a pretty accurate description of the moon Pandora from Avatar. What a coincidence!

Anyway, I'm off to shower (no, no record-setting this time, I don't want to have any accidents), and then pack for the aforementioned Overnight.

Which reminds me. I need to remind myself to remind myself to bring those 20 thumbsticks for tomorrow. Or lots of people are going to kill me. Heh heh.

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